Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Post 7: Research Ideas

Let's see. I would really like to do to something with Acting, Emotions, Characters, "Getting Lost in a Book",  Writing, and Young Adult Books.

Sub Topics:

  • Actors and Character connection
  • Bringing a Book to Life (On stage or Movie)
  • Become a Character to Write a Character
  • Are authors like actors?
  • What is it about a book that makes us cry?
  • What makes us get attached to Characters?
  • What makes us worry about Characters?
  • How to Authors convey emotions without telling the reader?
  • How are characters made (creation of characters)
  • What makes a character different from real people? "The difference between reality and fiction? Fiction has to make sense."
  • Do we pick up books because we feel some kind of connection to characters?
  • Character emotions and Human emotions
  • Connection between Reader and Character (like them? not like them?)
"Getting Lost in a Book"
  • How to people "get lost in a book"? 
  • What makes people "get lost in a book"?
  • What type of language is used to create a book that one can "get lost in"?
  • Is it the characters that get us "lost in the book? The writing? The setting? The plot? All of them?
  • How do children's book differ in writing than young adult or adult?
  • Can children's books stand by themselves? Or do they need pictures?
  • How are characters written? (writing of characters)
Young Adult Literature:
  • What makes a book "young adult"? What makes up a young adult book?
  • What situations are used in young adult books?
  • Why are young adult books really popular right now?
  • What is it about young adult books that we connect to?
  • What types of characters are in young adult books?
  • What types of emotions are in young adult books?
Research I found on some topics:
Characters and Emotions:
Name- Alex Neill

Getting Lost in a Book:

What makes a book young adult:

Why do books make us cry?

Authors and Acting:

Lots of stuff on how to write a character in fiction

Finding a lot on adults buying young adult novels?? Maybe there is a research topic here?

I'm not sure what I want to write about. There are so many things... These are my ideas and some things I found on some of those topics. 

I know I didn't really follow the rules of the worksheet, but I'm still not sure what I want to write about. I was hoping writing down all of the things I thought of writing about would help, but so far I have not been very successful. I feel like the more I find, the more things I want to write about or research. I'm pretty lost right now.

Maybe what young adult books make people cry and why? Are there similarities? Characteristics?

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